Др Иван Аничин (1944 - 2016)

Проф. др Иван Аничин изненада је преминуо 2. априла 2016. године. Испраћај за кремацију ће се обавити у уторак, 5. априла 2016. године у 11 часова на Новом гробљу у Београду.

Кратка стручна биографија

Ivan Aničin earned Magister of Sciences in Physics or PhD degree in Physics in 1970, and Doctor of Sciences in Physics degree in 1973., in the field of nuclear physics. His interests and research are in the fields of nuclear spectroscopy of gamma radiation and conversion electrons and their angle correlations, studies of rare and low probability nuclear and fundamental processes (especially neutrinoless double beta decay, non-resonant excitations), detection of solar neutrinos, detection of dark matter, measurements of cosmic radiation, and methodology of experimental nuclear physics in general.

During and after holding post-doctoral research positions in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Yugoslavia, Aničin mostly taught at Belgrade University and the University of Novi Sad, at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrič" (later renamed to INS "Vinča"), and Institute of Physics Zemun (renamed to "Institute of Physics Belgrade").

Aničin started his teaching career at 1969, as Assistant professor for Nuclear Physics and for General Courses in Physics, at University of Novi Sad. He also taught two more subjects at University of Novi Sad: Methods of Measurements, and Data Treatment.

At University of Belgrade, professor Aničin teaches or had taught the following subjects: Data Treatment in Physics, Order of Magnitude Physics, various courses of Nuclear Physics, Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Foundations of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Higher Course in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Instrumentation, Nuclear Spectroscopy, Selected Chapters of High Energy Physics, Detectors, Nondestructive Analysis, Rare Subatomic Processes, Astroparticle Physics, Radiation Physics.

Списак значајнијих публикација

Dr Ivan Anicin Research Gate